CERN Council concludes midterm review of the FCC feasibility study
During a very fruitful meeting on 2 February, the CERN Council completed the midterm review of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) Feasibility Study.
The FCC Feasibility Study was launched in 2021 in response to a recommendation from the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. After three years of work, mobilising the expertise of scientists and engineers around the world, the midterm report reflects impressive accomplishments across all study deliverables -- including the placement of the ring and the implementation of the facility, civil engineering, technical infrastructure, accelerators, physics opportunities and detector concepts, and cost and funding aspects.
The review has taken place in three steps, starting in October of last year with dedicated reviews by expert committees and by the Council's subordinate bodies, the Scientific Policy Committee and the Finance Committee, and culminating in the extraordinary session of the Council on 2 February.
Through the FCC feasibility study, much progress has been achieved already as was demonstrated in the review by the CERN Council, and the Council Delegates congratulated the CERN teams for the excellent work.
The FCC feasibility study is work in progress, with a report to be completed and released in 2025. There is no technical showstopper identified so far, but still a lot of work to be done to achieve greater accuracy and depth technical details, on geology or on the projected cost for instance.
The Council delegates congratulated and thanked all the teams involved in the Study for the excellent, significant work done so far and for the impressive progress, and look forward to receiving the final report in 2025.