FCC Week 2023 - Second Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
It may now be high time for you to hurry to register for the 9th Future Circular Collider Week, which will be held at the Millennium Conference Centre in London, United Kingdom from Monday 5 June to Friday 9 June 2023. For further details, you are invited to visit the website https://fccweek2023.web.cern.ch/
Just like this series’ previous conferences, FCC Week 2023 features plenary talks showcasing key results and comprehensive reviews delivered by highly qualified representatives and acclaimed researchers from our field. Please check the programme timetable for currently registered speakers and participants.
To encourage the participation of early-career researchers and to exhibit the exciting work ongoing in all areas of the project, two special events are foreseen: (1) An early career researchers meeting - to register and get more information visit this link. (2) A poster session, which will host up to 40 posters, on a “first come first served” basis. The posters will be presented during a special 90-minute session together with some refreshments on Thursday 08 June afternoon. The posters will also be on display during the whole conference period. We have extended the poster abstract submission deadline to May 20, 2023. Young colleagues are strongly encouraged to submit poster abstracts ! From among the accepted posters, a prize committee will select three outstanding ones, which will be highlighted in the plenary closing session on Friday 09 June, 2023. The three winning presenters will be given 5 minutes each to present their work !
As a reminder:
· We will continue to accept registrations until the end of May 2023. You can register HERE.
· Poster abstract submission is open through 20 May, 2023
· The conference starts on June 5, 2023; the conference dinner will take place on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 at the National Gallery; a public event entitled “Giant Experiments, Cosmic Questions” is scheduled in the evening of Thursday 8 June, 2023 at the Royal Society, starting at 19:00 CET, and highlighting Big Science projects across a range of disciplines. Find out more and reserve your seat HERE.
· Satellite events include a dedicated meeting for Early Career Researchers hosted on Thursday 8 June 2023 at 15:00 as well as a dedicated event for UK Big Science including talks from the SKA collaboration and EPAC.
· The conference adjourns noon of 9 June, 2023
Please feel free to share this announcement with our colleagues/collaborators in High Energy Physics and related fields.
The FCC collaboration and our local partners - the STFC, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, King’s College London, the University of Manchester, the University of Oxford, Queen Mary University of London, Royal Holloway University of London and University College London - look forward to welcoming you to the FCC Week 2023 in London, United Kingdom!
FCC Week 2023 Secretariat
On behalf of the FCC Week 2023 Organizing Committee