CERN Accélérateur de science


Cryogenic beam vacuum system design

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CERN has initiated the global Future Circular Collider (FCC, see study as a direct response to the recommendation made in the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics in May 2013: "To stay at the forefront of particle Physics, Europe needs to be in a position to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN by the time of the next Strategy update".

Large-scale research infrastructures are considered important cornerstones in the European Research Area. Their economic and societal impacts beyond extending humanity's understanding of the functioning of the Universe and pushing technological progress are unanimously agreed. However, a sound model and a concrete quantification of a next generation, large-scale high-tech Research Infrastructure under the lead of Europe permitting, serving the world-wide community throughout the 21st century is still needed. Such a model is intended to tune the ratio of investment costs, benefits for the world-wide science community and socio-economic impacts and thus give evidence for the benefits of its realisation.

This doctoral thesis shall establish a configurable model to assess the economic value of a future large scale particle-physics research installations, based on CERN's existing accelerator infrastructure and technology development and shall develop different investment scenarios to better understand, how the economic return to society can be well tuned to the science needs.

The workplace is CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and the initial assignment is two years. The work shall be carried out making use of all appropriate services of the International Organisation. It is suggested to survey and strongly interact with similar international projects, such as ELI, ESS, SKA. Adequate compensation during the presence at CERN is provided through CERN's doctoral student programme.

Applications shall be done online before April 28, 2015 (23:59 CET) and all required application information shall be submitted before May 3rd, 2015 (23:59 CET).

For more information on the programme, please visit

Login or register to apply online.

CERN, the Future Circular Collider study and the EC-funded EuroCirCol RIA project GA 654305 are strongly committed to strengthen women's participation in large-scale technical research infrastructure projects. It's your world. It's your future!

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland